Tuesday, February 22, 2011

store and conceal

Greeting Decoista's,

During the last week I've gotten various e-mails with all kinds of house-hold concerns.  One that struck me was a question about the reduction of clutter.  I hate clutter or things lingering in the open that should be put away or concealed with a sense of style and arrangement. My solution to this problem is the use of baskets.  Known to be one of the oldest art-forms, baskets serve a multitude of purposes.  In many cultures they're simply used to transport goods, but with the decorative styles, weaves, and forms, they can be used  in the home for accessorizing and/or practical uses such as storing things like dvd's, cd's, jewelry, magazines, flip flops, etc.  Many of the examples and styles are shown in the photo's provided.  These baskets are from all over the world and add texture and decoration to any enviroment.  Depending on where you shop they can be pricey, but many flea markets, antique shops, or even junk pits have them available.  Often, the merchant may be using them for their own display.  If you like what you see, don't hesitate to ask if it's for sale.  The flat circular baskets in the photos housing the dried cocoa shells and in photo 2, the vaze ensemble, were 1 euro each; purchased at a flea market in Guadeloupe.  They were being used to showcase jewelry and I just ask if the were for sale, et voila! I got both of them.  Don't sleep, my neighbors here in Guadeloupe, who assisted in helping us move in asked, "more baskets?" during the arduous task. They got the picture when they saw everything in place.  Have fun shopping and remember; whatever you buy, make it work. There's never room for waste.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


       Greetings and welcome to Interior You.  This first post serves as an introduction to what I plan to be a distant journey of dicovery and inspiration.  I'd like to simply share my expertise and ideas with you so that you can enjoy your milieu and get the most out of life.  It's not about material possessions etc., but about awareness where you can experience balance and a connection with every thing around you.  My blog is also not isolated to the budget conscious, but to the life conscious.  Anyone can pay for trends and fashions, but it takes the self assured individual to have style and the guts to implement it.  What I have to share will bring comfort, peace of mind, and understanding i.e no matter how you're living, there's something to be gained from the information.  Since I strive to be present in the moment I'll take flight from that place and give my first bit of advice.
          During these harsh economic times work with what you have.  Rearrange furniture and circulate your accessories to make changes without spending a dime.  Keeping your environment fresh helps keep the mind clear and gives you a sense of accomplishment and newness; something you'll need if you've had to cut back or down-size.  Even if the stars are aligned for you, these tips are still useful. This is the time to be creative, not stagnate and what better way to be creative then doing something new to your living space.  Even adding flowers, plants, or original artwork from your child , friend, or whoever gives great texture and originality.  You may think some "art" is not worthy, but what a difference a frame makes (hint, hint).  As we take this trip I'll expose ideas piece by piece to eventually expand and reveal your personal epic.  Cheers and enjoy the ride.  I hope you dig Home Training.