Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Another Person's Treasure

What's up guys,

The next few blog publishings will be a part of a series dealing with items that were given away, passed on, or found at very inexpensive prices during random searches.  Often these items are given away or sold cheaply ignorant of their value and status, and those of us who are in the know snatch these pieces up either for personal use or to sell at competitive prices.  An example of this is the Mid-Century Saarinenesce Tulip Side Table displayed in the photo.  Not known if it's an original, as it's been widely manufactured with slight alterations, this table still befits that classic and timeless look.  The original owner gave it to me like a piece of gum thinking it was junk. Keeping quiet, I immediately snatched it up (Saarinen enough) and made it work.  It's very durable and stylish and works with just about anything as seen in layouts in a large variety of publications. Since I retrieved it probably 10 years ago in its original defaced black, it has gone through several color changes to revive it and to compliment whatever room-scape I was working with at the time.  It's been mat yellow, mat green, red as seen in the photo, and I'm contemplating white for a different installation. Oh what a can of spray paint can do.  I had the glass cut to measure ($12.00) to enhance the look; giving it more depth and protection of the surface.  It can be seen on my website gallery ( used in a bedroom to give that splash of red often used in decorative schemes.  A good portion of furniture, art, and accessories I have are items inherited from family and therefore have grown up with my whole life. Needless to say they have some mileage, but to my pleasure and advantage, many are iconic increasing their value both sentimentally and monetarily.  Either way, to me, they feel brand new; possessing an energy that is timeless and transcendent; transitioning to find new life in my home and hopefully passed on to give the next owner the same satisfaction they've given me.  So the next time someone you know is transforming  a room/house, or if you're sifting through the basement of your parent's house, or passing by a garage sale, and in my case helping a friend move; keep your eyes open to things they may have closed their eyes upon.  Trust me, there's nothing like the serendipity of discovering and receiving treasures that cost you nothing.  Continue to follow my weekly blogs displaying more great pieces in the "Another Person's Treasure" series.  Cioa, and go clean your room.

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